Your One-Stop Home Maintenance and Residential Remodeling Source
Are you tired of calling a repairman when something breaks down in your home, and nobody shows up or calls you back? Or is there a long list of “to-do” jobs that you just can’t seem to figure out or get to? Are you wondering where all the professional Handymen went? You can put these worries to rest once and for all with one call to Maintenance America. We specialize in Residential Repairs and Remodeling. Our Skilled Technicians have 50+ Years of combined experience. Contact us today to schedule your repair services.
(702) 773-8434
Contact info
“Be Glad You Called Us First”
Residential Remodeling and Repair Services
Maintenance America
3065 N Rancho #136
Las Vegas, NV 89130
(702) 773-8434
Customers – Request Free Quote
Email: Office@MaintenanceAmericaLV.com
Business hours
8:00 am to 5:00 pm
- Anthony Cuomo (Owner/ Operator)